
How much of that is going to be thrown away Gordon?

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Is there more than a little irony in the G8 leaders, including our Mr Brown, tucking into 8 courses after discussing world food shortages?

"The leaders tucked into truffle soup and crab as they discussed Zimbabwe and aid to Africa’s poorest people. The evening feast of 19 separate dishes included diced fatty flesh of tuna fish and milk-fed lamb with aromatic herbs. Tomorrow, after working up an appetite discussing soaring food prices, the leaders will enjoy a £200 dinner of giant crab, £50-a-kilogram langoustine and sweet clover ice cream, prepared by Michel Bras, a Michelin three-star French chef."




  1. It certainly makes me smile, what a bloody hypocrite, as if him or his wife do any shopping! Everything is provided for them, they will never want for anything again, even long after Gordon has been kicked out, we will still be keeping them. On an average week there must be more food thrown away and wasted via various functions etc. in Downing St. than I eat, or can afford to eat in a month !

  2. Well is OK if they eat it all.

    Personally I would take any leftovers and stuff them down the inside of the fat pig's shirt

  3. They completly talk out of there rich fat ar$e

  4. His hypocrisy knows no bounds.

  5. its not the throwing it away that id be concerned about its the "who's gonna be footing the frigging bill" tax paying Muppet's again?

  6. looks like we are living in a country thats not free as it looks like gordons saying to us do as i say not as i do all that food for the fat cu#t at our expense he must be in the same league as mugabe is  keeping the people down taking all their money telling us to knuckle down or else more fin tax well i say its time to take to the  streets  thats if we can miss the knife carrying thugs and the muggers and not get a kick in by the police

    i'm voting bnp next time

  7. It was a strategy: let them relax and they will pay easier.

  8. no, no it does not relate to them, it's us stupid mugs who actually pay for our food who are to blame for all of today's problems. enough i say, the politico's are living on borrowed time and we need to march on parliament with our meat cleavers. we need a modern day cromwell.

  9. They should all have attended a retreat by Mother Teresa. A guy i know, a lawyer (so quite a worldly man) once attended a retreat where she spoke. It was followed by a quiet lunch. Mother Teresa actually peeked into his plate & mentioned that the morsel he left could have been used to feed one of her starving children.

  10. Total Typical Political Hypocrisy

    Link to the best political program in recent years , funny as h**l

  11. Everything politicians say and do smacks of appalling hypocrisy!

    I wonder if any of them stopped and thought about the starving as they tucked into their meal? I highly doubt it!

    A bit like when they bang on about the credit crunch - they've no idea what its like for the mere mortal!

  12. You know what?

    I hope it fookin chokes them!

  13. grrrrrr i hate them soooo much...

  14. Its a case of one rule for them and another rule for the rest of us. Just how stupid do they think we are? And just how arrogant can they get?

    Its also interesting to see that the event has cost £283 million!

    At a time when many people are worried about soaring costs for food and fuel, these bozos are on a giant jamboree, all at the tax payers expense.

    AND don't even mention carbon footprints! Our Gordy should have to walk home......  might also work off some of those calories he's consumed.

  15. That is how this Government has worked with everything for the last 11years.DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO

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