
How much of the 162 billion in war funding is paid for by higher gas prices and the taxes they take in?

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Democrats would like you to believe the oil companies are evil and making too much money. Truth is the government makes as much off the taxes. The higher the price, the higher the tax goes.

High gas prices = a tax increase in the middle class.

Thanks a lot Uncle Sam.




  1. Almost nothing, the federal tax is by the gallon, not a percentage of the cost.

  2. The Federal government is one huge money making machine!  Its a ponzi scheme on a grand scale!  First they confisticate your wages before you ever recieve them then they tax you on just about everything else you do in life.  Need tires they are taxed use a phone? Ditto taxed too!   Need a car battery yep another tax!!   Drive a car yep tax the gas you use!  Draw social security yep tax that!  Get intrest for saving or capital gains? Yep TAX that!  And IRA yep tax that!----------They are criminals plain and simple!

  3. The taxes collected on gasoline and diesel fuel go directly into a fund to repair and improve roads and bridges. The government finances the Iraq War by BORROWING 12 Billion dollars a month from the Chinese Communists. It is WAY more outrageous than you thought. Thank Bush for the world's biggest mess.

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