
How much of the brain do we really use?

by Guest64227  |  earlier

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How much of the brain do we really use?




  1. 10 % so they say but I think some people dont use any!!!

  2. I have no idea, even though I've heard the figures before. I'm not sure that it can really be determined. I mean, look at all the different types of people in the world, and the different levels of knowledge and creativity, and the ones who are "gifted"! Who's to say what capacity each person uses... or, the "average" person? I don't see how they could really figure this one out! And, personally, I don't believe in averages, calculations, or statistics much. I always feel like something's being left out or overlooked! My guess... just for kicks... about 12% - 15%. I sure wish I knew what we were really capable of!

  3. It depends on what activity we are engaging in - different activities will activate different parts (connections) of the brain.

    The allegation that we "only use 30% of our brains" is bunk. We use basically all of our neurons (brain cells). We just use different networks of neurons (different parts) at different times. Using 100% of our brains would be completely fatal. Seizures are basically brain activity "thunderstorms" - lots of neurons activate at the same time, causing the body to freak out.

    The connections of our brain that we don't use tend to be replaced with more functional connections. An example would be a child who is blinded - the parts of the child's brain that were allocated to vision would gradually be replaced with other sensual connections. As such, the child would have greater or expanded hearing or touch.

  4. The brain uses 100% of itself to do its job.

    The idea that "we only use 10% of our brain" is a nonsense urban legend from back in the 1940s/1950s, and means nothing.

    How much of your legs do you use when you walk?

    See how silly it is, when put that way?

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