
How much of the security deposit should I get back?

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I just moved out. My roommate went through the inspection of the place with the owner yesterday (without me). He wants to charge us for maid service, carpet cleaning, fixing the nail holes in the wall, and chimney cleaning.

I feel we shouldn't have to pay for the chimney cleaning, since we used it only once or twice.

But the real issue I'm having with, is that the air conditioner was not working the first week of June. He came in, and the filters fell into the vent (which was our fault for not putting it in properly). He said it cost $400 to get it fixed. However, he did not mention that it was coming out of the security deposit until yesterday.

Our security deposit was 1 month's rent: $1500. For a 3-bedroom 2 bathroom apartment, I don't think it should cost $1500 to clean the entire apartment.

What do you think? (Especially about air conditioner).




  1. You are liable for fixing the air conditioner - you broke it, but he should have told you about it.

    It is perfectly reasonable for the $400 for the air conditioner and all the cleaning charges to add up to $1500. Think about it - take out the $400, that only leaves $1100 for cleaning. A house cleaner will charge at least a couple hundred, carpet cleaning takes at least a couple hundred, a handy man to patch the nail holes could easily be about a hundred - that all adds up.

    Now - I do agree that yhou shouldn't have to pay for the chiminy that would count as general wear and tear

  2. If you were a good tenant for a couple of years, some of those items would fall into the category of normal wear and tear.  I presume that as a short term renter the landlord will try to get his costs of prepping the unit back.  

    Cleaning the apartment is a basic necessity.  (I charge $38 for maid service to an efficiency unit.)  Did you vacuum, wash the windows and woodwork and clean the carpet before you moved out?  If so, he may be trying to scalp you a hundred bucks or so.  Nail holes have to be filled and perhaps the walls will have to be painted so they do not show as spots. How much should that cost? I would strongly argue the chimney charge.  I hope you asked the landlord to fix the air conditioner before you tried?

    I am guessing these reasonable costs:

    + cleaning $100 max

    + filling and painting "nail holes in the wall" $200

    + carpet cleaning $100

    +air conditioner repair which I feel should have been handled by the landlord so cut it in half to $200 to share the responsibility.  

    So, you counter that you will gladly pay $600 and want $900 back.  You can always raise your sacrifice to $750 in hopes of getting $750 back.  Emphasize that you do not agree with ANY of the charges, but will settle only to put the matter behind you.

    Although the landlord holds the security deposit, it is  a deposit held in trust--and it is not his property.   If smiling nicely while sensibly negotiating does not get most of your deposit back,  you may have to bring an action in small claims court or tenants court.

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