I have been doing some thinking lately about some of the essays I have read from american archaeologists regarding Native American artifacts and dwellings. Being a Native American from one of the tribes that was mentioned, I was interested to see just how off these archaeologists were regarding some of our artifacts, as well as practices. I wonder why they don't bother to consult the existing native americans on such matters...anyways, I began to wonder how wrong archaeologists are regarding other "facts" that have been discovered from other archaeological digs around the world. Now I am curious as to how many square miles of the world (and the areas of the sea accessible to us) have actually been excavated. I am sure this number is very small, yet we base so much of our knowledge of history on it. I looked it up on line, but cant find an estimate anywhere. Does anybody know the answer? And a reputable source? Thanks in advance for satisfying my curiosity...