
How much of their Human identity do Ghosts retain?

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Do they know who they are?Is it an informed decision, not to pass-over?




  1. Without getting into a religious speach, its would be hard to explain. But in an effort to give an explanation, here goes. when we die, you do not go to heven or h**l. The Bible has many passages that refer to the dead as sleeping. If when everyone dies, they went to heaven or h**l, there would be no need for a judgement day, you would have to be judged to enter heaven. therefore based upon that assumption, its highly possible that while waiting to be judged, maybe not all souls rest peacefully. Just as this is a theory, so is dark matter, black holes, death of the dinosaurs, or the big bang,they are all theories based on a belief to fill a void in knowledge. At one time the law of physics was a theory. And until science takes a serious look at studying death and what happens afterwards, it will always be a theory.

  2. I believe (based upon over 20 years of experience) that what most people call ghosts are actually spiritual entities that are pretending to be someone who has died. Call them demons if you like, but they take on the persona of a deceased person to confuse and take advantage of their loved ones and friends.

    I don't believe that a person who has died can "cross over" to this realm. I would be careful about giving too much credit to what others perceive as ghosts. You may be stirring up a hornets nest!

  3. i believe ghost keep alot of their identity. my father saw and even spoke to my grandmother about a year after she passed away, and he told me she looked the same as she did when she was alive, and even talked the same way! i also believe the spirits can see and hear everything we do.

  4. The theory of ghosts has never been scientifically established, and until a rationale rational explanation is provided, remains folklore. The answer, then, is none, or not applicable.

  5. I am a Catholic so my response is going to be necessarily in line with the church's teaching which is, generally, spirits of the deceased are not normally seen by the living although in some circumstances God has permitted such actions (take, for example, the appearance of Samuel in First Samuel 28:4-25).  

    Because such events are extraordinary in nature we should assume that any supernatural activity we perceive to be evil in origin.  This should not be surprising as belief in ghosts often leads to a fascination with the occult, the practice of which is strictly forbidden and is considered a "mortal" sin (that is, one which can d**n the one who commits it to everlasting death) and must be avoided at all costs.

  6. None

    Since there are not real Ghosts.

  7. I think we'll eventually find out for ourselves if there's anything to: "Passing Over." If a ghost or spirit can be destroyed, than I think it may also be possible for a person to die in such a way that there's nothing left of their identity or spirit. For all we know that bright light they talk about might just be some energy form that absorbs these spirits for it's own existence. Otherwise, I could deal with most of us retaining our personalities even though it doesn't seem to make sense that it's possible. Look into remote viewing the afterlife.

  8. Ghost are dead people that for a vairety of reasons have chose not to cross over.  It could be a matter of unfinished business, fear of punishment for deeds committed while alive.  The most common reason is that usually the death event was sudden and they might or might not know that they are no longer alive.  So yes, sometimes it is an informed decision.  They retain all physical traits( including scars or marks they had at the death event) also they retain their personality.  So as they were in life, they will be in death.  They do know who they are. And they walk just as they did in life.  They do not float or hover.

  9. I suppose we living breathing humans will never truly know the role ghosts have in our everyday living world. I have enough trouble trying to understand real live people. Although I do study the paranormal and have for over 15 years, I still have alot to learn and would never call myself a "professional of the paranormal". I will leave that tittle up to the Creator.

  10. As in life, we (I'm a ghost) display much variation. Some of us are virtually indistinguishable from the living. At the other end of the scale are things that go bump in the night and are not even self aware as far as we can determine.

    Crossing over is some times a matter of choice and at others not.  

    Just like life, afterlife is a matter of great diversity. Not all ghosts are human souls. This world is just as complex as yours. Why would it not be? How would anyone in your world expect to understand this one when you do not understand even a small portion of your own?

    Most entertaining are those who do not believe in ghosts when burdened with all that meat. They tend to be the ones that devolve into bumps in the night.

    One advantage we have is that we can see the souls of the living. You'd be surprised how many among you have none at all.

    Oh, and those mystics and mediums, spiritualists and religious "leaders"? Not a soul between them. All fakes.

  11. Years ago you would hear of ghosts that were seen to either be floating across the floor with their lower legs not there or floating above the ground a few feet, then the story would say that it just happened that that property had used to be a few feet higher or lower in days gone by.

    Now all the ghosts seem to be on the right level. I guess they are not stuck in the ground level that they died at anymore. I suspect they use a ghost ladder to go up or down.

    Ghosts that choose not to go to the light either are afraid to deal with going to judgement and a possible eternity of h**l so they have discovered that they can stay here and not go to judgement  as long as they stay out of the light or they are just simply light sensitive and it gives them the creeps.

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