
How much of your child's social history is appropriate to reveal in places like yahoo answers?

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I often find myself on adoption forums talking about my daughter's social history because it pertains to a question or discussion. These are things I wouldn't be discussing in real life conversation as they are personal and my daughter's story. Do you think it is okay to reveal more information in a place where people are discussing adoption issues and learning from experiences, plus it is in a sense anonymous since these are people that you or your child will never meet. Thoughts?




  1. I agree with the others.  As long as you are not providing identifying information, I think sharing stories here is acceptable.  I know that I have learned quite a bit from others' stories, and the reason I choose to share here is to hopefully help someone else in similar situations.

  2. I think it is ok to a point.

    Although this is an anonymous board, the fact is someone may recognise your story and answers enough to know who you are. There are answers I have seen here that I know from elsewhere, places that arent as anonymous, if you discuss it in enough places someone you know is likely to come across you.

    The other is that boards are not always as anonymous as you might think, you give away information all the time about yourself (I know I have ) without meaning to.

  3. i really think you're ok.  imo, i would rather my mom talked anonymously about me than to all her friends.

  4. I think of this often, because my daughter's history is so dark. I think it is her story and it is hers to tell. I do not reveal to anything about her history to people that know her, but as far as Y/A is concerned, it is anonymous and it can sometimes help to educate. I know there are some that think I am evil for reveling too much of my daughter's social history on this site, but these are the people who do not want to admit that sometimes adoption is the right thing for a child.

  5. Feel free to share non-revealing information in these kinds of discussions.  Your answers could really help someone looking!

    Personally, I get aggravated when people make such a big deal about "natural", "adopted", or "step" children.  Any of these three ARE your children, so I can't imagine a face-to-face situation where I would need to tell anyone outside my family!

  6. I always alter the personal info enough to keep them "anonymous" online.  Their age off by a year, or their s*x opposite what it really is.  But sharing information that helps others is always a good thing.

  7. Adoption is one of those situations where if you've "been there" yourself, you're in a better position to understand and offer advice.  Speaking about personal matters in an open but anonymous forum gets you three things:

    You are more likely to find multiple knowledgeable points of view on a subject that many people don't have intimate experience with, and

    Since they are not your friends, relatives or co-workers, they are more likely to give you an opinion that is free from their personal feelings about you, and

    Since you're anonymous, your friends, relatives and co-workers won't know things that are none of their business.

  8. I discuss my child's adoption in general terms as it pertains to a question. I would never reveal personal and private information about my child or her bio family on Y!A except on rare occasions in a private email with people I feel comfortable with.

    I pretty much have the same rule outside of Y!A.

  9. I have an adopted child and I never would do that.  I wouldnt want her coming on here finding stories about herself.

  10. I think its alright to discuss issues without giving out names/personal information or identies. Those issues may help people better understand your situation...

  11. If you are not giving them information that could identify her, I don't see what the harm is.

  12. Nothing on the internet is really anonymous!  I used to privately email posters I saw on this site who posted photos and names of their children, or precise details about them.  Or people who post birth parent names, etc.  This is so wrong on many levels.  But most of all, it is foolish, as the internet is the #1 playground for pedophiles, stalkers, and scammers.  You think it is anonymous, but I assure you it is not.  I recommend that no one post things exactly as they are --  change up a few things so no one has a clear idea about you and your children, or anyone else you are talking about.  There is a right to some privacy here!  No one wants to read about themselves or a loved one in great details, from someone else's perspective.  And it is just someones opinion!  But it can take on a larger than life persona, or even a life of its own, on the internet.

  13. I think it's fine if you're either using your experiences to help others, or are asking for advice.

    This forum is anonymous.  No one knows who you are, or where you live.

    So I guess I don't see the harm.

    I enjoy your answers, btb.

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