
How much of your life is spent sleeping?

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  1. i usually sleep from like 3 in the morning to like 12 in the afternoon. so like 9 hours.

  2. for me I average 6 hours, so a quarter of my life.... recently i've averaged 5 hours... so a little more than a fifth

  3. Approximately one third of your life.

    Newborn babies sleep 18 hours a day, babies 1-12 months sleep 14-18 hours a day, babies 1-3 years sleep 12-15 hours a day, children 3-5 years sleep 11-13 hours a day, children 5-12 years sleep 9-11 hours a day, adolescents sleep 8-9 hours a day, adults, including elderly, sleep 7-8 (+) hours a day and pregnant women sleep 8 (+) hours a day.

    Hope this helps!

  4. during two days holiday-10 hrs.during school days-8 hrs.I'am in 8class and 12 age.

  5. If eight hours average a night. one third of your life.

  6. i sleep about 4- 5 hours, am in my mid-twenties

    please do the math, i'm bad at it

  7. Approximately 33% of your life based on 8 hours sleep / day

  8. I do not get enough sleep, well so the experts say.

    5 or 6 hours is good for me.

    I occasionally get 8 and wake up very tired.

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