
How much of your sense of self-worth depends on material things?

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the kind of car you drive

trendy hair


how much worse would you feel about yourself if you couldnt have these things?




  1. Sure, I think of how nice it'd be to have all those things, but to me, the effort required to get those things the conventional way is just too meticulous.  I'd rather do plain things, have a plain house, and have a plain car and live a happy life inside that's free of stress and anxiety.  That allows me time to "connect with my inner self," if you know what that means, and just learn more about how I interact with the things around me.

    Honestly, I can't stand finances, economics or anything about it.  The only reason I have a car or a house is because I need them for shelter and a way to get to work and back.  As for clothes, since I have lost interest in going to the movies and reading books, all I ever wear is my work clothes, basically.  I go to work, and come home.  Other than that, all I really feel like doing is daydreaming about things.

    As far as my work goes, when the gas went up to $4.20 a gallon, and my bills started falling behind, and my hours got cut, I said forget it.  I give up.  I can't pay my credit card bills, but I'm tired of sacrificing and sacrificing and working more and more hours, when the falling economy has nothing to do with any decisions I've made in my life.

    I stopped asking for more and more hours. I work what I'm scheduled, and I don't complain about it.  I take the money I get, and I'm happy with it.  That I can't pay my credit card bills is no longer my fault.  I haven't changed anything in my life.  The only thing that has changed around me are the things that have been impacted by others' decisions, like who raises and lowers interest rates, who decides how much money is going to be in the economy, or whether that information is even going to be made publicly available.

    With all the secret dealings and back room meetings going on in this country, I'm tired of being left out of the loop.  It's like we, as citizens, are kept in the dark on everything, and then the rich'n'powerful expect the folks at the bottom to suffer all the hardships and work all the extra hours while they go on more cruises and sip more martinis.

    Well, not any more.  I may never have a yacht, but I'm not going to beg for more hours at work, just so I can stress myself out even more and risk landing myself in a mental hospital all so some fat *** on a yacht can have a bigger steak.  NO thanks.  I quit!


  2. ZERO, it matters not at all. Like the other woman said, though, I need to be able to provide my daughter with not only the things she needs, but some of the things that make her happy too. MY sense of self worth is based entirely on what kind of PERSON I am. I would feel worthless if I was a rich douchebag, but if I am poor yet kind and considerate to others and I am strong, independent and confident and ambitious and a good mother, then I will NEVER be worhtless. I don't base ANYONE'S worth on material possesions, only the possesion of positive character traits and that is all.

  3. I don't have any of these things, and I feel totally fine with myself! I mean, I like who I am, regardless of what I have at the moment. There have been times when I had everything I needed and wanted, and I didn't feel any better about who I was as a person because of it. As a matter of fact, I learned to love myself most when I was left with only me. There comes a time when you realize that it's not about anything else. It's just about you, and what you're made of. We should all ask ourselves how we would be if we lost everything suddenly. How would you cope? Do you have any survival skills? Would you just fall apart? The way I see it is this... If you can't take it with you when you go, it ain't worth much. You see, it doesn't matter what other people think... all that matters is what you are as a person, from the day you arrive, to the day you leave.

  4. d**n I WISH IT WAS too bad its not that easy....wld be nice if all those meaningless easy acquired stuff made me happy....

  5. Respect is proportion to the value of money that you have spent or received.

  6. I am 34 now, these things don't bother me that much. My car has a few scratches and is 4 yrs. old, big deal... it gets me where I need to go. Sure I like to have nice clothes... after the bills are paid! When I was in high school and well into my 20's I had a much different outlook on this. I think people place too much importance on material things, because of being insecure. I'm glad I grew out of being so shallow, there's really more to life!

  7. zero.....

    BUT I have a daughter, a little thing...

    and I would feel HORRIBLE if I couldn't have swim lessons or dance lessons once in a while or music lessons for her.

    I would feel AWFUL if I couldn't afford a NEW swim suit or clothes SHE picks out... or EVERY year for her or a toy or two...

    my self worth monetarily? same swim suit through 3 sizes, (thank goodness my weight isn't at its highest anymore.)

    my car is over 10 years old.. I don't "get" name brand, I prefer NOT to be branded.

    and I have ALWAYS felt this way. I hate to be trapped in a pattern trying to keep up or care to fit it, I don't and I don't want to.

    I actually feel sorry for those caught in this trap, and sometimes when no one is looking I almost feel bad I don't care more than I do and wish I did.

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