
How much of your social life is on the internet?

by  |  earlier

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How much of your social life, percentage-wise, do you spend on the internet?

This includes Myspace, email, Facebook, yahoo answers.. & everything you do online with involves other people!




  1. not much i play on this site and only use myspace to keep in touch with my out of state friends and relatives


  2. Oh $hit, like 80%. I talk to my best friend every day on here. And a lot of my friends live out of town, so... we talk A LOT on the internets.!!

  3. 90% of it.

    The other 10% is in church.

  4. a lot

  5. To be Honest i get on the first ten minuets of waking up... And stay on for hours.

    10:00 in morning til 5:00 pm :S

  6. 40% on friendster...

    20 % on Yahoo Answers

    20% on YouTUBE

    10% other websites (incl. the XX ones, hahaha..)

    10% my Personal and Daily Routine..

    Hahahaha.. That's how Internet Power has conquered me!!!!

  7. like 65-ish!!!

    i know its horrible!!!!

    but most of it is done planning days out with my friends!

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