
How much oil is consumed per day world wide and how much is left?

by  |  earlier

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now please take into consideration oil sands, oil shale, all drill able oil and places we are not drilling but have links to prove where oil is

im having a hard time finding this on a paper i have other half done need help.




  1. geopolitics of oil      third world traveler               80,000,000 (that's 80 million) barrels per day  or 1,000 barrels per second.  If you could see this fire, all of this oil burned in one area, you would be so freaked out as to personally vow to take revenge on whoever has anything to do with oil usage.  The fire is so big and it never stops.  Global warming, ha ha,  more like atmospheric depletion, big time.  Auto makers hide the fire, they hide the smoke and the heat, but the exhaust still goes into our air.  Seen the sunset lately?  So orange and red, well, it used to be just as blue as the sky overhead, I can remember it 40 years ago.  Fly in a plane and look out at the horizon in any direction, it is brown muck smog haze all over the earth.  Most of it is due to the USA and it's never ending lust for dirty oil.  Perhaps one day you will notice that no matter how highly the Americans think of themselves, the world is really angry at their criminal lust for oil and the damage that is done.  I consider them RETARDED CRIMINALS.

  2. According to the EIA, worldwide oil consumption is about 85,000,000 barrels per day.

    According to the USCGS, undiscovered reserves are between 1 and 3 times the total oil consumed and discovered to date.

  3. A lot

  4. I don't have the details you ask about, but the big picture bottom line predictions are for oil to run out in about 00 years if present usage trends continue, and coal lasts 400 years. Not all agree.

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