
How much omega 3 should someone take a day, to treat schizophrenia?

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How much omega 3 should someone take a day, to treat schizophrenia?




  1. well man you have to go to the guts and the brain on this one, omega 3 is not going to get that done, go here give them a call, problem solved.

  2. Omega- (fatty acid) 3 is not a reasonable treatment for schizophrenia at all.  See a psychiatrist.

  3. If you find success with this let me know .The meds they give me are causing liver damage.Why cant there be a natural cure for schizophrenia? Dont listen to naysayers.The cost of the drugs is the worst with no insurance you diffently need to get on a paid presciption resource plan at a free clinic if you can find them.The other day they handed me 3 bottles of risperdal and I thought this is $600 worth of meds.Its more than that on average its $240 a month.What I did when I was broke was buy the best whiskey or crown royal I could afford then every night drink a few shots of that.It takes away the voices helps you sleep and leaves no hangover.Thats just my perspective.How does that save money? Well you can buy a bottle a week for under 20 dollars.

  4. Well, from what i have researched with regards to bipolar disorder/schizophrenia, 3000mg / 3g of omega 3 will show improvement for the patient, it will not cure.

    I reccommend that you/the patient take 'Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega' or the Carlson's Brand, as these are pharmaceutical grade and molecularly distilled, to remove all the pesticides/PCBs. Take after consuming antioxidants, like a handful of organic blueberries and/or Vitamin E, this will prevent the Essential Fatty Acids/ omega 3 from being oxidised and thus harmful to health.

    Read 'Nutrition and Mental Illness' by Carl Pfieffer

    Also Patrick Holford's Brain Bio Centre in the UK is very helpful, there is also a BBC in Princeton USA.

    It will also be wise to give the patient a multi-mineral/vitamin supplement, that is in a bioavailable form, Biocare, High Nature, are good brands.

    I also reccomend you/the patient see a orthomolecular medicine doctor, nutritionist, and/or a naturopath.

    Hope this helps.

  5. Claims that omega 3 (fish oil) will help schizophrenia are not well-founded.

    However, megadoses of niacin and vitamin C have been shown to *help* schizophrenia in clinical studies.  If you or someone you know has schizophrenia, obviously, the best course of action is to see the best psychiatrist you can find and let them treat you.  They will probably prescribe an atypical anti-psychotic like Risperdal or Geodon.

    But there are many amazing stories out there about niacin and vitamin C having dramatic impact on people with mental disorders.  It is virtually impossible to overdose on vitamin C.  Niacin is more problematic; too much will cause the user's skin to "flush" uncomfortably, develop rashes or more serious problems.

    If the typical meds either don't work or the side effects are unavoidable and severe, it's worth bringing up orthomolecular therapy with your doctor.  But schizophrenia is not something to be treated lightly and taken into your own hands.

  6. You can find some answers in a web search for "omega 3" + schizophrenia + dose.

  7. Omega 3 doesn't treat schizophrenia. Please see a Psychiatrist if you want your symptoms to remain under comtrol.  Only real medications work at treating schizophrenia, and even then it's a matter of finding the right combination of drugs with the least amount of side effects in order to treat it to it's full capacity and help the patient remain at their highest level of functioning. Playing with Omega 3, which is usally taken by people looking to help their cholesterol problems, is only going to make matters worse.  if you don't treat the problem, it's only going to get worse.

  8. Like they've all said, Omega3 doesn't treat Schizo.  It's a supplement used to improve memory and mind function, as well as the overall mood.  It would work well for people suffering from depression.

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