
How much on avg do bartenders make?

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any information about the biz or schools would help to. thankz




  1. About the  same as a waitress (maybe a little more) so not over $30

  2. 40 quid a night and as many STDs as your tongue can handle.

  3. It depends on where you work and your attitude towards your customers.  If you make stiff drinks, you get better tips.  If you have a good personality, you have more customers.  And if you are a bartender at a restaurant you also either get tipped out by the servers or you get a percentage of their beer and liquor sales.  It depends on where you work and what type of person you are.  But bartenders make pretty good money.

  4. First I would say it depends on where you live (or work) Like what state or city. I live in Las Vegas so bartenders here can make Big bucks ! Not only on the strip . but local places too. My friend works in a small locals bar. she averages over 1,000 a week in tips & she only works 4 days. I worked in a mexican restaurant (no gaming) & averaged 600 a week (5 days) I also know bartenders that make over 100,000 a year.

    So like I said depends where you work & live.

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