
How much ot DNC have you watched?

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And on which channel?




  1. Quite a bit. I watch it on Fox,CNN,MSNBC,CBS,ABC,NBC. Outrageous media bias on most of the networks. Fox honestly seems to be more fair & balanced. NBC is falling over themselves to push Obama. CBS seems to be a bit more moderate, MSNBC is SO in the tank for Obama it's a joke.While ABC is fairly even in their reports.  

  2. Enough to see the wool getting thicker and thicker over peoples eyes, and boy will they be surprised. If and when the sheeple shearing begins

  3. I have watched about half of the speeches  from Mrs Obama to Senator Clinton and then former president Clinton. I missed much of Senator Kennedy's and all of Senator Bidens but got to see the re runs on cable.

  4. None. Not interested in anything he has to say

  5. As much as possible.  On C-SPAN

  6. I've watched a bit every night usually on CNN.  

  7. None.

  8. None today. it is tiring. i am gonna tune it in and wait to hear what the obama man has to say. maybe he will tell us we can expect change, again. gag!

  9. Fox News... just the highlights

    Michelle Obama, Hillary & Bill Clinton speeches

    I don't think I'll watch Obama descending down from the heavens to spend a little time with us mere mortals when accepting the Democratic nomination.

  10. Not much. A little puke comes up in my throat so I can't watch too much of it. I watched on CNN and then Fox.

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