
How much oxytocin would be given to a 4lb dog when whelping,before a c/section is done.?

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I will add more if i get answer to the question.lets just say it involves my little dog and a vet.




  1. Well, if it involves a vet, he/she should know how much to administer!

  2. The vet is the person who should be telling you this--not us.

  3. Usually a vet will try once, MAYBE twice, to administer oxytocin before determining whether a c-section is necessary.  Sometimes they can tell right off that a pup is just too big to be delivered, or is in a position that will make it impossible to deliver.  If he can not manually manipulate the pup into position, then a c-section is inevitable.

    Don't attempt to use oxy on your dog if you don't absolutely 100% know what you are doing and when to give it or not give it.  You could do serious damage to the uterus.

    (I had the dosage on here but I read someone's comment that it is illegal so I eliminated the info)

  4. erm, if your vet doesn't know you should go elsewhere! This is really worrying and to be honest a mis calculation could leave you with no dog.

    Look after your pet.

  5. If you can't trust your vet, go to another one.  It is illegal for anyone to give dosages of medications on this site.

  6. It sounds like your vet may have given too much oxytocin-is this the case?  I just want to warn, just in case, to please NOT mess around with this stuff-it can cause contractions to get out of control, and cause sometimes fatal damage.  However, it sounds like your vet gave it while your dog was having trouble delivering.  He probably should have just planned a C-section to begin with.  4 pounds is too small to have even been bred and the vet should have considered this a high-risk pregnancy from the start.  

  7. There are a wide range of appropriate dosages of Oxytocin for dogs:

  8. Jennifer T is right.  It is against Y!A rules to give out specific medical advice.  

    If if we could I bet no one would.  

  9. I don't know.

    I'm not a vet.

    Vet's take 8 years of schooling after high school to be a vet.

    Trust your vet or find another one.

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