
How much people recycle?

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How much people recycle?




  1. meeee!!! i also get my family to do it 2 but my dad who lives in a diff city doesnt even have a recycling bin.... isnt that sad? he throws away like 20 waterbottles a week. not good.

  2. 25% to 30%

  3. My husband and I recycle ALMOST EVERYTHING.

    We recycle all types of glass and containers, paper, etc.

    The number 5 plastic containers our favorite yogurt comes in aren't recyclable here, so we send them back to the company.  They have a policy that they take care of the recycling on their end.

    Because we have two small children, and are planning on having a couple more, we have started using G Diapers--they are cloth outsides with flushable liners inside.  Old time cloth is not an option for us because of daycare...

    We also compost all food scraps that we possibly can, which gets mixed up and spread over our backyard garden for natural fertilizer.

    In our household, we recycle roughly 85-90% of our waste.

  4. Dunno. But at my house we recycle ALOT.

  5. 50%? That's way too high of a number! I would say less than 25%. I wish it was 50%. Of course 100% would be ideal. A lot more people are starting to recycle, including businesses and government establishments. Also waste management companies are starting to recycle incoming waste on a large scale. Recycling is steadily becoming more popular. People are starting to realize that they shouldn't waste something when it can be reused or made into something else. To all the people currently recycling, great job!

  6. I recycle all paper, plastic, aluminium cans and glass jars. Anything  that is recyclable in my community.

  7. Not as many as you might think. Just look around on trash day and see how many containers have the lids up.

    People have to start looking at wasy to reduce waste, not just re-cycle.

    Then you have to shop with reduction and recycling in mind.

    Do you have a garden? do you buy little pots to start your seeds in? Why? The latest issue of Mother Earth News magazine shows hoe to take a paper core from papertowels (ugh- why even buy them) or toilet tissue, and cut it to make little starter pots for seeds. Just add soil or compost.

    I have animals, and the bags from the food get used again. Sometimes for trash bags, but that is still re-use, not two sets of trash!

    I do art projects, why buy special pads for my paint box?, I cut up plastic containers or packaging for putting my paint onto, or make the plastic parts into stencils or masks for painting.  Why buy the wall edger for painting in the house, a hunk of stiff plastic from some package will work just fine.

    The junk mail goes on top of the parrot cage, he shreds it, then it is on the bottom of his cage a while, then into the compost bucket, then to the garden. Why use elelctricity to shred junk mail! what he does not shred, I tear up and put into the kitchen compost bucket!

    Heck, I am even about to recycle these elelctrons and photons!



  8. only 25% of the population reycle

    ohh thats bad!

  9. not many really. I would say about 50% of the world does. We should always recycle but most ppl don't care even though they should

  10. According to the US Department of Energy, 31% of all trash is recycled in the US.  (see link below)

    My fiance and I try to recycle everything.  I wish we were better at it/ could recycle more, but I wish more people would recycle as much as we do.

  11. Honestly it is much higher then 50%. Even if they do not recycle every thing they can almost 90% of the people in the US recycle. Who hasn't recycled paper, cans, a empty jar, all auto shops must recycle antifreeze, oil, filters, tires and refrigerants. Or they contribute to recycling by purchasing recycled products again paper, most cans, plastic soda bottles, wood chips/mulch, etc.

    Is anyone perfect? No probably not, we make strides and every year it gets easier. We have bins for cans and bottles, paper, special marked yard bags, we belong to a group called freecycle that networks people who have something they no longer need with people who would have a use for it, purchase energy efficient appliances, and this year we plan to add an active solar system to our house as well as taking up worm composting. We keep coffee ground and egg shells for our gardens soon to be worm food.

    Every once in a while a can gets thrown away instead of recycled, or a news paper needs to be thrashed after being used for a messy project and we are the biggest sinners when it comes to diapers cause I just can't do cloth diapers. Maybe they will figure out how to recycle that some day. LOL.

  12. I used to recycle everything were I used to live, but now my apartment is too small and the apt complex doesnt provide recycling bins so I decided to put a box by the mailboxes so that all my neighbors can put there junk mail there, take it every week, I saw this somewhere else so I stole the idea. Its also a good idea to buy products made with recycled materials. Paper is the easiest one, printer paper, toilet paper and paper towels. I also try not to buy bottled water, I refill my gallons at the store and refill my water bottle to take when I go out.

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