
How much people will be on Earth in 2050?How much people will be in the most populous nation and the most.....

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  1. The world population is the total number of living humans on Earth at a given time. As of July 2008, the world's population is estimated to be just over 6.68 billion. In line with population projections, this figure continues to grow at rates that were unprecedented before the 20th century, although the rate of increase has almost halved since its peak of 2.2 percent per year, which was reached in 1963. The world's population, on its current growth trajectory, is expected to reach nearly 9 billion by the year 2050

    country - India - 1,619,582  

    city - Tokyo 34,000,000  or mumbai

  2. Around 8.7 - 9 Billion people.

    With the statistics of the population growth rate India would beat China in 2050.

    I'm not sure about india but china has put a 1 child law.

  3. IT will have 9billion people and Some country in asia will be most populated

  4. World population is projected to hit 8.9 billion people by 2050.

    The world's most populous nation would probably be China.

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