
How much people(a percentile) in the UK & Ireland despise the revived Roman Empire, aka...the European Union?

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Give me a percentage of people who despise the EU.




  1. 100%Against!

  2. i would answer this, but i know nothin' 'bout politics. sorry. i av no idea what u r talkin' 'bout. :( sorry.

  3. Sorry, Bucky, but the USA is the new Rome!

    We even have our own Nero and self inflicted decline!

  4. Unless there is a referendum one can only guess at a %. If I had my way it would be 100%.

  5. Here are a few polls of the U.K and other European countries, regarding the E.U. :

    Financial Times/Harris Poll: EU Citizens    

    Citizens Lose Trust in E.U. Institutions, But Still Support Membership

    I couldn't find one that was exclusively U.K.  or Irish.

    And while these say most citizens support E.U. membership, I find that hard to believe.  Larger nations will inevitably dominate E.U. decisions, over the best interests of the U.K. and Ireland's interests.

    Polls can be manipulated to say pretty much whatever those doing the manipulating want.  

    I suspect E.U. membership in each European nation is what their political leaders and corporate elites want, but the people themselves DON'T want.

    It's a permanent loss of sovereignty for the U.K., and it must be very scary for its citizens, as they see their sovereignty torn out from under them.  

    Like in the U.S., elites in the U.K. are importing a foreign electorate, that in London already outnumber British citizens.  As Pat Buchanan says, when the native electorate isn't supporting the legislation elites want, the trick is to import a foreign electorate with no loyalty to the native interests.

  6. 90+% do not think enough about it to care either way.

    Despise?   Probably about 0.05%

  7. well I'm one anyway.

  8. Well if you go by the amount of Eurosceptic MEPs there which account for 4.2% of the parliaments make up its quiet low.

    By the way, Revelations or any religious document cannot equate the EU with the Roman Empire.  Mainly because the EU only occupies some of what was the Western Roman Empire, the provinces of Northern Africa, Anatolia and Palestine are not now in the EU, but countries north and north east of what was the Roman Empire are part of it.

    Also, people who equate the European Parliament to the Tower of Babel are wrong, as the European Parliament doesn't speak with one language it speaks with 21.

  9. if the European Union is the Roman Empire,it wont  be too long before it is laid to ruin.

  10. I don't despise it, it's a good economic and trading organisation.

    The fact that Europe is working together to prevent disputes and the wars that have plagued the continent over the centuries is also good.

    The problem I have is that Europe is trying to become too centralised and federal.

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