
How much per day would a person have to earn in order to live by themselves in an apartment?

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I mean, how much do you (if you live in apartment by yourself in England) earn a day :-) :-) ???




  1. dont know about england all depends on how much the apt. is per month...look in the local ads for possible apts. you would like and see how much they run a month then find out from people how much they pay for electric and so on then go from there! my bf makes about 1100 a month and we pay 450 for rent and 130 for cable and he still has money left over to buy diapers wipes groceries and all of our essentialsand thats without me working so gd luck oh and we dont have a car gas is way to much its cheaper to take the bus

  2. well here in the states it would take 2000,00  a month to survive thats rent car payment and food

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