
How much per hour should I pay for door-to-door solicitation of candidate petition signatures?

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Our non-profit political group is trying to get registered voters to sign petitions for candidates and for ballot initiatives. For candidates the petitions are known as "nominating petitions". For ballot initiatives, the petitions can be called "ballot initiative petitions" or "referendum petitions" (such as a petition to prohibit state or local licensing of persons providing answers to website-posted questions). I am trying to figure out what it would cost the organization to pay petition solicitors to take a registered voter list, walk from door to door, and solicit signatures at the homes of the registered voters. Two possible variables are (i) whether the solicitor strongly believes in the candidate or issue and is willing to solicit signatures even for reduced compensation (to help the organization overcome its lack of adequate funding) and (ii) whether the solicitor just wants to earn an attractive hourly rate and doesn't really care what the petitions are being used for.




  1. $6.

  2. Please, please don't activate this idea. We homeowners HATE door to door anything - politicians, salesmen, whatever. And some of us are quite psycho and own guns...heh, heh. Not to mention big dogs, swords, knives and other assorted weaponry.

  3. I have a problem with petitions. They want name/address/phone # and you never know what that person is doing with that kind of information. I really think it is wrong to send out strangers to solicit information. It's even worse that there's door-to-door people asking for cash, donations and stuff like that. Since when does a homeowner's right to privacy get overridden by stranger's right to scam in the name of free speech?

    My mom used to get scared when us kids were little and  wackos came to our door during dinner and dad wasn't home yet.

    YOU may have a right to do it but seriously, we give you our signature and have no clue what you're REALLY going to do with it. All we know is what you SAY you need it for.

    There should be a better way of handling this at a time when telemarketers inundate the phone lines like they own 'em and the world is no longer a safe place since the advent of ID theft.

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