
How much per hour would it cost to run a 5,200 BTU air conditioner? Its energy rating is 9.7?

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It has 535 w and 4.8 amps. Could you compare the energy this type of a/c uses to something else, please?

I would also like to know if it will overheat or something if it's on for several hours. I know these questions might sound silly, but I'm very curious. Thank you very much in advance.




  1. The power used will depend on the weather, and how you set the thermostat.

    That 535W. load is only when the compressor is running, which varies with the heat load the machine is called upon to carry.

    Say a 50% duty cycle 535W. - On, 55W. (Fan) - Off.

    You average just about 300 W/Hr.s per hour of run time....

    Call it 1KW/H every three hours to be safe.

    Look at the rate on your utility bill and you can figure the rest.

  2. Average electricity is $0.1/kW-hr, so about 5cents per hour, or $1.25 per day, assuming it can't quite get cool enough and runs all the time. Less if the thermostat turns it off some of the time. You can safely run it 24/7 if you can afford it.

    It uses as much as 13 fluorescent lights, or 5 100W lamps, about 1/2 as much as a hair dryer, and 1/3 as much as a toaster.

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