
How much pocket money should a 13 year old be getting?

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my daughter does a good deal of chores (e.g. loading/unloading the dishwasher, walking the dog, keeping her room tidy, hoovering..etc), and i was wondering what a good amount of pocket money PER WEEK she should get?




  1. I was getting £5 per week when I was 13.  And that was fine. Didnt take it to school, so it was either used at weekends, or saved for holiday spending money.

    I guess it depends on what she was going to do with it.  If she goes to a school where there's a chipshop round the corner, and she's going to buy chips every day with it, id be inclined to make sure she left it at home.

    Pocket money is a really good way of showing kids that you have to work to get stuff you like.  Although with the prices of things these days she'd have to save for 6 weeks just to buy a game!

  2. Well, i'm nearly 15, and I get 5 pounds a week. If I help out in the house I get some extra, like 50 pence per chore. If she does a lot, then about 10 pound would be good!

    Hope I helped! :)

  3. dependss what you pay for - e.g. if she has to buy all her clothes and bus fares with her pocket money.

    If so £5?

    If not £2.50?

  4. I got £10 per chore, i did the washing up, fed the cats (we had a lot of cats) and my sister did the ironing, i got £20 for my two chores and my sister got £10 for her chore.

    But its dependant on the family. My friends were brought up by a single mum who worked her *** off for them and they were expected to do chores for free to help out.

    But you also dont want to be giving her £30 or £40 a week as that is too much for a 13 year old.

  5. I'm 16, from the age of 10-11 i've been getting £10 a month. its not too little, and not too much so now I have got a job, i can appreciate the value of money.

  6. It depends on how much you feel she earned and what your budget will allow.  My (almost) 12 yo son gets a base of $5.00 a week for spending money ... more if he does extra work.

  7. $20 a month

  8. I never got paid allowance. I'd have birthday and Christmas money, and an occasionally $5.00 my mom or dad would give me if I went to the store. I would complain that other kids were given pocket money, and she would say, "I don't care. You're staying here rent-free...why should I pay you to keep the place you live clean and to participate in the chores in the house?"

    If your concern is teaching her to save money, $1.00 a week will certainly have her saving it. It'll teach her that she has to make do with what she has. If you hope that all the money you give her will be saved for something like a car or college, I would certainly try to talk you out of it. Not only will it not be saved, but teaching her that the things she wants she has to EARN through a real job is a very valuable life skill.

    Hope this helps.

  9. i think that around eight to ten a week would be enough

  10. $5 if you ask me.   Keeping her room clean is not a chore if you ask me.

  11. anywhere from 50 dollars

  12. Hi i give my daughter 10 a week and 2 every day shes 13

  13. $10 to $20 is enough

  14. I;d give her 10 a week, and maybe extra if she did more than usual.

  15. When I was young, our weekly allowance was based on age.  Since she's 13, she could get $13 a week.  When she's 14, she'd get $14 a week, etc, etc.  I always appreciated that arrangement.  There was never any argument about allowance being unfair between the siblings and it avoided all the discussions about "raises" and such.  It worked really well for my parents and that's probably what I'll do with our kids once they are old enough.

  16. If its just for pocket money I'd say $10. if its payment for chores and she is saving for something maybe more.I wouldn't go past $20 and I really think thats too much. Too much for just pocket money any way. She sounds like she does a lot though so if you can afford it $15 to 20 may be more fair.

    good kid, good for you.

  17. I would set the rate at $10

    if she does extra stuff you could give her a bonus

    like it she does the laundry for you on monday give her an extra $1

    If she acts more responsible in weeks to come give her like $12-$15

    I'd say she's lucky she gets any money

    I don't get any and I do more around the house than my mom does

  18. im going on 16 and im a full time carer in my house! i do everything and i only get paid £5.00 a week if im lucky

  19. $10 should be fine for a kid that age.  If she needs more for something specific (movies or clothes that she wants but doesn't really need) then you can talk it over and maybe assign an extra chore or two.  But for pocket money?  I think that's plenty.  Heck I'm in my 30's and only go through about $20-$25 dollars a week in spending, snacks stuff like that.

  20. I think $10 a week is plenty.  Then I suggest that you teach her about saving it. Kids today have no idea of the value of money. Ask her about something that she really wants, like a new bike or whatever. Then have her save atleast half of the money she earns every week towards what she wants, that way she will learn that stuff costs money and you have to work to earn it. I'm so sick of kids thinking that parents can just pull it out of their butt or pick it off the money tree in the back yard, yeah right!!

  21. tenner a week is plenty at that age and if there's something she really wants then she will have to save up. It's a good age to teach them the value of money and that you don't get 'owt for nowt' as my mum always says lol

    good on you though for having her earn her pocket money, you sound like a great, fair parent

  22. It is not important how much work your daughter does to decide how much pocket money you should give her. It is more important to ask her time and again whether she needs anything or if there is anything she wants for herself. Maybe you can give her a certain amount but that is not important. Kids are different. Some of them are happy just working around the house. Some are happy spending money all day and still others are happy brooding in their room. Don't equate your baby with other people's children. Understand her unique qualities as that of a young lady's.

    I am 40 now and have children. When I was a kid, my father never gave us any pocket money but always gave us money whenever we might need it. For instance, we were going with other kids for a picnic or going to somebody's house. We would always have more money than other kids. But we never got anything on a regular basis. I still think he did the best thing he could as I and my sister never waste money today but never hesitate to enjoy ourselves when we want to. I am doing the same to my kids.

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