
How much pollution does wasting electricity cause? I waste electricity just for the heck of it.?

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How much pollution does wasting electricity cause? I waste electricity just for the heck of it.?




  1. The best way to fight climate change is to donate to either a well known charity, or a non-profit carbon offsetter. Websites like screen charities for efficiency and allocate donations to them. You can look for other carbon offset programs, but a lot of them are for profit, is a non profit group.

  2. you could waste as much as you wanted if you had solar.... by putting solar panels on everyones roof. ..for Free would totally fix any global warming by fixing a problem....

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  3. It depends on how your electricity is generated of course. You can waste all the electricity from your wind powered generator that you want without causing any pollution. But if you waste electricity from your local power company, you are wasting money, because the more you use, the more they charge you.

  4. About 10% of CO2 emmissions is from residential power.

    It is not smart to waste it.

  5. wasters are a waste!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Stop wasting so much energy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. you idiot why do waste electricity for no reason. you should die. no wonder earth is getting so hot. because of you. you ugly b*****d

  8. u should'nt waste so much energy.Do u know what there are many places where people dont know the abt  electricity.They just live like this only and for us electricity has become a part of our life.So just think abt them and stop wasting electricity

  9. Yes it depends on where you live and what kind of power stations your power grid utilizes.  If you live in an area primarily powered by coal-burning plants, then wasting electricity will produce a lot more carbon emissions and other pollution than if your area's grid has a significant amount of renewable energy providing power.

  10. A lot, & unfortunately(in the USA) the waste generated to create "electricity" is piling up all over the place, & the super repository to be(or not to be) built in Yucca Mountain is far away of becoming a reality. Don't take electricity for granted, this natural wonder can't be seen,touched,smelled,or anything else, but is a wonderful commodity that deserves respect.

  11. You will go to h3ll for your heresy. The religious leaders of the global warming movement will punish you for your sins.

  12. If you have the money to pay for it then go ahead, waste away. But remember, one day all that wasting will cost you, no amount of money will buy you the energy you need. Remember the oil crisises of 1973 and 1979?

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