
How much poundage on a bow will break an elks back?

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Im huntin in a tree stand this year and I need to know how high my bow needs to be set in case an elk walks right under my stand




  1. 50 60 lbs would be ideal but breaking an elks back is a dangerous thing as you might break its back but it can still move its legs and it can kick the c**p out of you causing severe damage to you i would suggest that you try to get a heart shot  or even a lung shot if possible.

  2. if you have to ask

    bubba is the only one that makes any sense

  3. Just too chancy of a shot- get the broadside or quartering away shot- a good hit will get you a sure kill- straight down is just not a good shot to take.

  4. Well an ethical hunter would not make that shot, just wait till you get an ideal shot on one, and as for poundage for a normal shot a minimum of 50 pounds but ideally around 60.

  5. That is not how a bow works. The broadhead arrow will cut into major organs causing it to bleed to death. Ideally it is quich if the heart or major artery is cut.

  6. Number One:

    You ain't gonna break the elk's back...what you need to do (if you insist on hitting it in the spine) is ***sever the spine***.

    Number Two:

    You don't want to merely sever the spine, since even a "paralyzed" animal can still kick the livin' tar outta ya -- and it can also still use its antlers to stick ya like a hotdog on a fork. Kin ya say "ouch"? You could very well bleed to death long before anyone could show up to find you.

    Number Three:

    The most ethical, humane shots to take are the ***heart*** and/or ***lung***. For that, you need to be on the ground. At the very least you should be only as high as necessary to have a clear field of view.

    Just for the record, even 40 lb bows can be used effectively on elk. The "big secret" is properly-made hunting-weight arrows with proper broadheads on them, accurately placed in the proper spot in the animal. It ain't bows that only He-Man or Hercules can use.

  7. Dont take that shot!! Most people either spot and stalk elk or call them in. Either way they take a shot from the ground (not usually flat ground). I would never suggest to anyone that they take that shot no matter how big the bull is. Its not worth wounding such a majestic animal. I have shot a couple with my bow and if you did that in my camp you would not be hunting with me again. Sorry to sound like a jerk but to be a real bowhunter you need to fully understand that a real bowhunter is probably the most ethical hunter in the woods.

  8. Your arrow cannot break even a small deer's back. However, if you sharpen a broadpoint really a lot sharper than they usually come from the factory, you can slice a hole in the lungs of any thin-skinned beast, for a quick putdown. From straight down, that would be one lung and up to a 250 yard blood trail, however, and not such a good idea. If you want heavy happenings, how about the satisfyingly traditional 45-70? Look at the Model 1895 Marlin lever action. Even it's looks are satisfying! Regards, Larry.

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