
How much power in a boat is recommended to pull a beginner wakeboarder?

by  |  earlier

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i have a 90 hp bass tracker fishing boat and want to try pulling a wakeboard..... is that going to have enough take off speed? it's kind of sluggish with ski's....




  1. If you say it is sluggish with ski's then most likely it will be just as sluggish with a wakeboard. While it may not be impossible to learn to wakeboard on an underpowered boat, it will definitly be harder.

    My first time was on a 17' whaler with a 50 Hp. I was about 175lbs at that time and it was very sluggish but once you got on a plane it was fine. Just keep trying and once you learn the technique's you'll realize your boat has pleanty of power.

  2. something i see no one else has even mentioned is the simple fact of prop pitch and size. if u have a speed prop on its gonna be hard but possible. a hole shot prop will do the best. plus if u r overloading the boat w/ ppl gear or what have u this will also increase the difficulty. just remember to lean back in the water and dont fight the boat its not sking. good luck ne more Q's hit me up ive been ridin for 10 yr and around boats my whole life. i know my suff. good luck.

  3. it should have enough speed, because when you start off a wakeboarder you have to be going slow anyway, then once they're up you accelerate to 18-20 mph. 90 hp should defitnely be enough. good luck!

  4. errr the first boat i eva rode behind was a 15ft shakespear with a 80 i think it qwas ok but i have rode behind 15 horse mini ribs so it should no probs nt my usual ride lol i use a mastercraft malibu n nautiques lots of boats here

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