
How much present is the human mind opened?

by  |  earlier

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I say 2%




  1. Ummm..  huh?

  2. Your question does not make sense although I think I understand what you are trying to say. We use very little of brain as a whole. i dont know the actual percentage but its not very high.

  3. I thought on average people only used about 10% of our brains.

  4. its not that the mind is closed off. the brain is more like a muscle the more you use it the better it gets.

    so if you practice enough you can quicken your reaction speeds increase you memory etc

  5. I don't undersand

  6. 0.001% of the entire population is completely open minded.

    99.9% of the entire population is not open mind at all.

  7. 100%

    98% for s*x related things.

    2% for other things.

  8. The possibility to own the planet as an extension of brain use is this the question then could say it is open to peace.

    The Right to own The Planet,conserve natural resources and prevent resource wars could be good. The Right to Human Peace would help more.

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