
How much prison time did Muhammed Ali serve for dodging the draft?

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How much prison time did Muhammed Ali serve for dodging the draft?




  1. Ali did no time nor did Caucius Clay.

  2. None. He should have, but it was a time when blacks were burning down major cities and the government didn't want anymore rioting due to Ali going to jail like the other draft-dodgers.

  3. I think it was about a year.

  4. Ali did no time for one simple reason.  Believe what you want about his stand against the draft and war.  Personally,  I dont blame him because we didn't belong over there in the first place.  

    Little known fact:  Ali was originally not qualified for the draft.  J.Edgar Hoover "WANTED"  him and wire taped him as he did members of the Kennedy family and Dr. King and anyone else he "didn't like".  He was not only the FBI director, he was Bigger than the govt. in many ways.   If he liked you, you're golden.  If not, You're probably better off dead.  

    The standard was changed and ALi suddenly became "eligable".   I don't buy a lot of what some who call themselves "Muslims" in the US today might tell you.  Many of them don't practice Islam as it's written.   I do believe that ALi DID practice and take the religion seriously as many did during that time.  

    There were also many other things that the US govt.  contradicted itself with.  IT's just a matter of the condition of the times.  ALi took a stand and lost more than 90% of the world will ever see in life.

  5. He didn't serve time. This issue was so important, that to punish Ali for claiming his right to claim his pacifistic religious belief, would have demolished Bill of Right guarantees. He offered many alternatives to accepting a draft. No other major athlete or other celebrity except a few was subjected to the draft. Vice-President Gore, Senators Kerry, Hegel and others could have resisted, but they did not, unlike others who now send troops to die and be maimed.

    Why should any citizen without college deferment such as Cheney, or at the time, enlistment in National Guard (President Bush) which effectively, except for special cases, keep people from combat, not claim a religious right, such as Quakers, to not kill others?

    Ali's stand cost him 5 years of income, death threats, and probably because of his age when he was allowed to return to boxing, his health.

  6. First off, Ali said he wasn't trying to dodge the draft. He believed that because of the teachings of Islam that the war was unjust and he didn't want to partake in it.

    To answer your question though, I think he served 6 months to a year, maybe longer.

  7. NONE

  8. He refused to be inducted into the service when he was drafted. He said he was a Muslim minister so he should be exempt.

    He stayed out on bail while the case went through the court system.

    The draft board said he was a professional fighter, not a preacher.

    The courts eventually agreed with Ali that he was not a professional fighter, but a Muslim minister.

  9. None,shoplifters and petty thieves are locked up for years but draftdogers like him,Bush and others get away whilst fellow countrymen perish!!

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