
How much profit do gas station owners make off a gallon of gas?

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I work in a small store and gas station and the owner charges 20 cents more per gallon over what he pays for it. How much does the average owner make per gallon?




  1. me and my dad use to own a shell station and we made 6 cents a gallon, the profit margin wasn't as much as it is now,then though the price of gas was only around 29 cents a gallon so there's more profit to be made because of the mark up on it now days,6 cents a gallon was a lot though back in the early 70,s , good luck.

  2. The industry states they make 3 to 4 cents per gallon after the cost of overhead (lights, wages, heat, building construction costs, etc.). Since some similar branded stations are undoubtedly getting their gas from the same place, you can expect that those who charge more per gallon are making a bit more.

  3. not a lot! lots of gas stations are going out of business.

  4. Generally, gas station owners only make about 3 - 5% on a gallon of gas.  This means, if he/she is paying $4.00 for a gallon, he/she is probably selling it for $4.12 - $4.20.  In your case this sounds about right.  The real money at gas stations is inside where they charge $1.29 for a 20oz. soda, when you can easily go to the grocery store and buy a 2-liter for the same price.  They call them "Convenience Stores" for a reason!  You pay extra for the "Convenience"!

  5. 20cents per gallon profit may not even cover the electricity and labor involved.We as a nation need to say enough is enough.I have parked my truck and it will not run unless I absolutely need to go.We will not last much longer economically before a major depression will hit and then all h**l will break loose.

  6. I heard on TV the average is less than 5 cents per gallon.

    So they make more on the coffee and twinky than on the gas.

    Good Luck...

  7. very little as tempting as it is to hate them they make very little and the outrageous prices hurt their con stor vuisness and increase theft and even vandalism. 20 sounds high how are those prices compared to nearby stations. Now the b******s at exxon etc whose profits are 400% higher they should be jailed under war profiteering act except of course when roosevelt did that in wwii he did own loads of oil like the current dunce

  8. Gross margins in 2006 were 13.9 cents per gallon. After incorporating expenses, such as credit cards fees, which are 2.5 to 3 percent, operating expenses, depreciation and taxes, profit margins in 2006 typically were two cents per gallon. On a percentage basis, margins in 2006 were 5.8 percent, the lowest since 1983.

  9. on average it's about a penny..they factor in the cost of the gas, the cost of maintaining the pumps etc and usually it comes out to about a penny. That's why the lone gas station is going out of business...conviemce stores use gas pumps in hopes of you also going in to buy something in the store..which is where they make their money.

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