
How much protein, iron, carbs should i have if i work out and want to gain extra muscle.?

by  |  earlier

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and what foods would have a lot of this in it(not including) protein shakes?




  1. The key ingredient to gaining muscle mass is to add lots of PROTEIN to your daily diet. You should have 1.0-1.5 grams of protein for each pound you weigh. Protein helps your body to build lean muscle after your workout. Speaking of workout, I would start with simple toning exercises (low weight/more reps) to get your muscles used to being worked. After about 2 weeks you can go to the strengthening exercises (high weight/low reps). This will break down your muscles fast and with all the protein in your diet, when they heal it will be solid lean muscle mass.

    I would recommend you take creatine after your workout in your shake, this is because I have read that alot of people can be affected negatively if they take it before and it doesn’t help with their energy at all. Mix about 5grams of it with your whey protein and take it that way. The post workout shake is crucial and people mix in all sorts supplements together. Personally, I take 5g creatine, 50g protein, 30g carbs, and 3g L-Glutamine.

    After your workout there is a window of opportunity for your diet. Your muscles and body is drained and so anything you consume is more likely to be absorbed and taken in by the muscles, this is when creatine is most affective and should have your muscles recharged and full of energy before your next workout.

  2. you need to go somewhere like and join the forums to ask questions there. Of course you have to work out like it's another job and eat at least 2grams of protein per pound of body weigh to start adding mass- but if you don't work out the proteins converts to calories which converts to fat!  

  3. You need to be reading a diet book or nutritional book that has all of the details you are looking for.  There is no simple answer that can be found here.


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