
How much psi can a bicycle foot pump produce?

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I just want to know beacause I'm going to try to upgrade my water gun lolz. I know this sounds really dumb but yeah. Or i was thinking like my own weird water gun battle armor lolz. Something like Iron Man i was shooting around the idea but I really don't know much about water systems and psi >.< So can ya help me out folks? I'm just another kid with another weird idea. ;]




  1. If it has to fill up high performance road touring bicycle tires (in addition to off-road mountain bike type tires), then it can produce in excess of 100 psi.

    (My tires take 90 psi -- tour-de-France class bikes sometimes operate as high as 120 psi).

    But, keep in mind that at 100 psi, the volume of air per &quot;step&quot; of the pump, is tiny.


  2. My Joe Blow pump goes to 165psi.  You can try a Crank Brothers mountain bike fork pump if you need more pressure they go up to 300psi

  3. The pressure of air (14.7 lb at sea level) multiplied by the compression ratio of the pump.

    Can&#039;t get closer than that because of the very great range of pumps available. Maybe if you describe your pump, I maybe able to help (or you could buy a calculator).

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