
How much racism should I expect in Russia?

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Im African-American and im wondering how much rasicm I should expect going into the bigger cities of Russia. Im wondering if I should go into the smaller cities, but ive heard about mass amounts of racism there.




  1. In all Russia is normal to call afro-s negar or negry or africanets,in small cities africans more like exotic,they would look on you and tell you make a photo with them,lol...but be sure that no one will say to african-Hey,boy,come here! Russia have no racism such as in the USA...

  2. I do not think that racism (against blacks) is a big issue in Russia, though I do not really have a way to judge about it either.  Still, I also believe that if you are a woman then you are in any case much less likely to be targeted because of your race.  If you do not speak Russian then you should stay away from small rural towns, as people there do not speak English at all and most people have never in their lives seen black people before so you will really stand out of the crowd.  Moscow and perhaps some other big cities, however, should be fine.

  3. You shouldn't "expect" racism anywhere but it's a very good question.  If you are going with other people, keep to a group.  If you are going alone, be aware of your surroundings.  I've never been to Russia but have friends (4 of them African American) that went there for 10 days and they had a blast.  Said the locals were very helpful and generous so I would go with a mindset that you will have a great time.

    If still not sure, ask a travel agent if they have any booklets that would help make you feel at ease travelling overseas.

    Have fun!

  4. my advise to you is - anywhere in russia DON'T walk alone, the bigger your company is the better.

    So avoid crowds and it's better for you to make friends with brothers and sisters form protestant or Catholic Churchies or Churchies of Jesus Christ (Charismatic movement).

    These Christians are friendly and don't have stupid racism stereotypes. You can start now with getting in touch with Churchies like "Good News" in Moscow

  5. You're black, you're not allowed to go to Russia. As far as an unbiased opinion goes, I am pretty sure you will get stabbed. I would definitely hate to see you walk around the streets of Moscow or any other Russian city for that matter.

  6. Yes, they are very racist so be very careful if I was you I would not go

  7. I'm an American and I live in in St. Petersburg Russia.

    I become urked when I see negative remarks from people who say they think Russia is a dangerous place for people of African decent or if their skin is not white.   I'm here every day.  I take the subway every day.  Everyday I see black residents and black tourists.  Moscow and St. Pete are developed European Cities!!!!!  There is no mob out to get people of black African decent.  If you want to visit Russia then do it.  Buy an organized tour and enjoy life as it is.

    If Moscow and St. Pete are dangerous places for dark skinned visitors, then stay away from New York, Paris, Frankfurt, London, Deli, and everywhere else in the world.   I think tomorrow i simply need to take a picture of the outside of the Hermitage Museum where you will see people from China, Korea, Viet Nam, India, Africa as well as people that are white.  

    Please forgive my passion on the subject, but I love Russia and want to share it with people.  

    email me if you want any more advice on how to get to Russia as you need an official invitation to obtain a visa.  I'm happy to provide one to you.

  8. I totally agree with American in Russia.  I don't know if you know this, but Russia is a land of many nationalities, and most of Siberia is populated by different Asian populations.  In addition, there are A LOT of tourists of all kinds visiting St. Petersburg and Moscow, and I have not seen any discrimination when I was there.

    You'll be fine, the country is so beautiful you will be blown away.

    Have a great time!

  9. yeah, expect a lot, the Russians aren't a friendly bunch, they are pretty much against anything that ísn't white and straight. In the bigger cities you won't get physical harassment, but in the smaller cities.... hmmm, better not go alone, just to be sure.

  10. whoa you're in russia!!! lets meet up and i'll give ya a grand tour...*giggles*

    people here arent that bad, i mean they just stare a little too much and some are super friendly, just like anyone else you'd find in the world. I think its worse for the guys, they get they're asses whooped most of the time. So i suppose us ladies are in the clear, They either flirt with us or just stare...nothing too bad i guess

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