
How much realistically would you need for an up and coming year trip to aussie??..and hw wud ya go bout it>

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thinking holiday for 3 months or work for a year




  1. i travel a fair bit and how i work out how much i need is to see how much i spend in a week at home with rent/food/bills/ect and then double it as you will want to be going out a fair bit more and seeing the sights. oh but if you decide to splurge on accomodation you must factor that in. and it also depend what countryyour from. this ussually only works if your from usa, australia and uk.

    but then again thats me. if you want to be really tight on money (use backbackers, eat pub meals, use public transport)  you could get away with alot less and if you want to stay at the hilton/hire a nice car, eat at restraunts, see the sights in a hot air balloon, your looking at alot more. so it really depends on what kinda holiday your looking for and you didnt mention that or where ya from, or what you want to do.

  2. well if you plan your trip with an open ticket and go as a holiday you can give yourself an amount to take for the three months say 3000.  if you settle in and find a job you wont be stuck and you can earn cash and stay longer if you dont you have had a good 3 month holiday

  3. You can hostel it up for about $25 aussie per night. so say $180 per week for accom. I'd say you can live on $20 per day for food and drinks - hostels usually provide breakie (breakfast). So lets say an absolute bare minimum of $320 per week - Anything else you want to do you'll need extra!

    If i we're you i'd go on holiday visa (3 monther) if you really like it and find work you could head on over to NZ and apply for your working visa, but remember you can only have one of these in your lifetime - unless you do x amount of rural work or something on which case they allow you a second working visa.

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