
How much rent should I pay a friend who lets me house-sit?

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I have just spent a month house-sitting for a friend in London. The house is for sale and I have been there to let in the estate agents (they've let themselves in actually, I've had to do nothing). My friend asked that I pay something towards bills. What do you think would be a proper amount?




  1. I'd say that the utility payments divided in half. You're doing your friend a favor, but using her utilities. So I'd say split the bills.

  2. Technically, you don't owe him anything since the house would have been empty wtihout you there (who would have covered the bills then?).  Who first suggested you housesitting?  However, as a friend, paying for some of utilities you used is fair.  Ask your friend for a copy of the utility bills for the month you just spent there and offer to pay half--that wy both of you are even and it's still a good deal for you.

  3. half the rent

    you did him a favor as much he did you a favor

  4. If you're house sitting as a favour to your friend that she asked you to do, i.e you have your own place to live and don't 'need' this place to stay then really she shouldn't be asking for anything, you're doing her a favour. If there are other reasons for you having to stay there then just think back to how much water/electricity etc you have used (which probably isn't much) and work it out from that, I would say about £50 for the whole month is a more than reasonable amount, if you've been eating their food then add another tenner or so but I live on my own with a young son and my QUARTERLY utility bills are not normally more than £40-50 each so really a more realistic offer would be in the region of £20-30 for the actual bill costs but if you appreciate her letting you stay there then a bit more would be a gesture. I wouldn't charge one of my friends!

  5. weather you stayed there or not her will still have to pay rent. i would pay what he wouldnt have had to pay if you wernt there. electricity, gas/oil, cable, if you used the phone. that type of stuff.  

  6. I am assuming that by house sitting, you are taking care of your friend's house.

    You are also responsible enough to let in the estate agents for viewing.

    Friend is lucky you did not charge for this service.

    You owe nothing.

  7. If you do not have a place of your own- pay half the bills. If you do, pay nothing.

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