
How much romain lettuce a day for my guinea's?

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i have 4 piggies at home and i've just started to introduce treats such as romain lettuce, cucumber, bell pepper, and baby carrots. they wont touch the pepper (but i wont give up on it) and they're gradually taking a liking to the rest. i know that the lettuce is the best one for them. i just want to know how much to give each daily. right now it's about 1/4 of a leaf once or twice a day. i've read up on this but i always find myself with 5 or 6 different suggestions and i just want something more unanimous. thanks for any help.




  1. I wouldn't feed the same vegetables every day - aim for a variety of greens, not just romaine lettuce. Try kale, parsley, swiss chard, other types of lettuce, etc.

    Anyway, my guinea pigs get 2 cups of vegetables a day, mostly leafy greens. One to two cups is a good amount. Work up to that amount gradually, and only add one new veggie at a time so the can get used to it. If you're only feeding 1/4 of a leaf now, I'd bump that up to 1/4 cup of veggies for a little while, then increase to 1/2 cup, 3/4 cup, and finally a whole cup per pig.

    Here's the best resource on guinea pig diets -

    They have nutrition charts for different fruits and vegetables as well.  

  2. Vegetables aren't supposed to fed as treats. They are very important for guinea pigs. A guinea pig is supposed to have pellets, vegetables, and unlimited hay everyday!

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