
How much salary market for aircraft licensed technician in Dubai?

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Got offer to work in Dubai for one airline. Initial salary package 12k/month, with possibility annual increase. Just for standard living, for single and may be just rent a room for accomodation. Is it comfortable to live in Dubai with this salary?.




  1. it'll work as long as yer not stayin' in that killer hotel off the beach....

  2. You can live like minor royalty in Dubai for 12K/month.

    Assuming you are talking about USD.

    If you can't you got a spending problem.

  3. Having lived all my life in Dubai, I can assure you that you are getting a reasonably good start. If you are single and donot have very expensive after work habits, you will find this amount very comfortable to lead a good normal life. You would spend about 35-40% on housing and another 15-20%  on good decent eating. The rest would be your savings. Just  make sure you are provided transportation by the airline. I know a lot of people who, as singles, lead a happy comfortable life and have a ball of a time on week ends and holidays. They are in the 8-10k bracket per month. Remember, Dubai is as expensive or cheap as you want to make it.

    Take my advice and accept the offer, you will not regret it.

  4. Is that UAE dirhams? cause when I worked there I got it in USD. and now another offer is in USD again.

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