
How much schooling is involved in being a chiropractor?

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I was curious how much school is involved in being a chiropractor? I already have a bachelors degree, it's not in any type of medical field but how much more school would I need to be a chiropractor?




  1. A chiropractor undergoes 4 years of college and 4 years of chiropractic school. Since you have a bachelor's degree, you need to doublecheck whether you have completed all the chiropractic school prerequisites. They typically require 1 year of biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, English, and half year of calculus. If you're missing any of these classes, you may take them at an accredited college, preferably a community college or a state college where tuition is cheap. Once you verify that you have all the necessary prerequisites, apply to chiropractic school.

  2. Generally it is a bachelors degree, then 3-4 years of graduate course work- depending on the courses taken as an undergrad and the course load.

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