
How much schooling needed to be a Veterinary?

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How much schooling needed to be a Veterinary?




  1. In USA:

    You'll need a bachelor's degree from a college or university, then get accepted to a veterinary college, and complete a four-year program there.  (Some veterinary colleges will admit you with only 2 or 3 years of college completed, but that's rare anyway).  Once you earn the DVM degree you are free to begin practice, but most opt to do a 1 year internship to polish their skills.

    Note that competition to enter veterinary college is fierce.  It helps if you have a very high GPA in college, very high scores on the entrance exam (most require the GRE, some the MCAT or VCAT), experience working with animals--espcially large animals--and recommendations from people they'd respect, especially veterinarians.

  2. In the UK, it is harder to get to vet school than med school.  You would need at least 4 A2 subjects at A grade and even then may need to apply repeatedly.  Any experience you can get also helps (eg part time assistant in a pharmacy, farm hand jobs in the long holidays)

  3. In the US,

    Veterinary technitions need 2 years at community college.  Veterinarians 4 years undergrad, 4 years vet school, plus residency and/or interneship for certain fields.

    In the UK, Australia, and probably other countries, you don't need the extra 4 years.  But, I don't know the specifics.

    As the other posters have indicated, vet school is competetive.  There just aren't that many schools, and there are more people who want to attend than seats for them.  


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