
How much seed should i feed my 2 month old budgie?

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my budgie seems to eat eat and eat some more. he eats like 6 meals a day. i let him eat as much as he wants. is that bad? I only feed him seeed because he doesn't eat anything esle i push at him




  1. There needs to be food in the cage at all times. Birds will eat when they are hungry and they are not meant to be fed on schedules like other animals. They should have seed in their cage at all times and then have fresh veggies and fruits added in. Make sure to change its water daily.

  2. how much you feed him isnt, but how much seed he eats is! seed can make him majorly over weight! Birds can be very picky eaters, i know b/c i have two cockatiels :p Try mixing the other things in w/the seed. like boiled eggs. those are very easy. also a variety of fruits and veggies! very imporant! and have you considered pellets? pellets are actually a lot better than seed. Researchers now say that pellets should be the primary source of food and seed is only a treat. these are easy to convert because you simply mix it in w/the seed and slowly remove seed and add more pellets over time until they are on a fully pellet diet. Just remember to make sure that you remove any fresh food before it spoils! i have attatched some links that i found very helpful. Also be careful on what kind of fruits and veggies you give them. things that you may think are very healthy can be deadly! like saltine would think those would be fine but they arent! hope this helps! good luck!

  3. You fill the container and your budgie feeds its self doh!

  4. No its not bad, in fact, you should let them have the amount they want too. Budgies have limits too, they would know when is enough and will stop when they are full.

    I give my budgie a cup of seeds in the cage and Hey! he can manage. He's not overweight and is also very healthy. I give another budgie the same and she comtrols her meals too. They both eat about 9 meals a day...i don't know, i never count.

  5. You don't FEED a bird at different times of day like you do a dog or cat. Your bird should have food available ALL THE TIME. Birds eat throughout the day. Check the cup(s) several times a day to make sure that it's not full of nothing but husks.

  6. just fill up the dish every few days

  7. google it

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