
How much s***n can a man produce daily? Will it be dry up after continuous s*x?

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How much s***n can a man produce daily? Will it be dry up after continuous s*x?




  1. We have at any given time an average of about 3 on the low side and 5 on the high side of normal to average loads in any given day.

    Using them all up at one time will not dry us up as much as you'd think.  We will always send something down,but it could just be a drop, and sometimes it will take time to exit if at all.

    To get us back to full power could take anywhere from 1.5 days to 3 days, but a single average to weak load could be available in 6 to 8 hours.

    We make it but its expensive stuff for us to make and it takes a while to fill up to the top.  It has all our best energy and food.  It is why we live.  Its what we are for, and what we do best.

    So it costs us a great deal to make and to store.  Recall that its only half our DNA.  That makes it an Antigen of the body.  A helper cell assists us in hidding this fact from the immune system.

    It has a shelf life and its a temperature sensitive lab we carry around.

    Hope that helps..

    Opps..  Got to go make some more...

    8-)  By the way... We love getting rid of it because the body wants the old stuff out and right away too.  Keeping old stuff around could hurt our chances for a successful child.  That is why boys play with their tool..  Well grown ups too !   Its vital !


  2. It varies from guy to guy.  Some guys can produce a lot, some a little.  It can dry up.  There's only so much fluid that can come out and it needs time to produce.

  3. I had s*x a 3 time a day, ı wanna to much, but  may girlfriend refused, because she feel tired.

  4. I know once my fiancee had s*x 5 times in one day. When I went to give him oral which was the 6th time, he got off but didn't ejaculate.

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