
How much seroquel will kill you?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I took 90 300 mg pills, fell asleep writing the suicide note hit my face on the bath tub, laid there for 24 hours and then my roomate though I was just passed out and put me in my bed (how nice huh)  36 hours later my x girlfriend (being a nurse)  rushed me to the hospital.  They kept me alive on machines and 6 days later I woke up.  So the chances of you finding enough to kill you are slim.  plus you have the chance of just being retarded when you come out of it. Just get yourself a few shots and some hydro and everything will seem fine.

  2. seriously enough of the go get help c**p even animals get put down for suffering but people have to live to be tormented perpetually?  yeah I know this is not the right thing to ask or say or do but really if anyone knows the answer in LD50 MG/KG off the d**n MSDS just spill it.  Thanks.

  3. yeah just anser the question

  4. Can't someone give us a simple awnser so we can just die.

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