
How much shopping money should I bring for a 5 day cruise?

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We have a mall onboard and we are stopping one day to shop at straw markets in Mexico.




  1. The answer depends on how much you can afford to spend. If you budget yourself to only spend x*x amount per day, I'd do that. Only bring the amount of money you want to spend..example if you want to budget to spend $100 per day, then only bring $500 and stick to it.

  2. If you think you will be using a credit card in Mexico to buy anything, call ahead to your card company to let them know you will be out of the country, what days, etc. Otherwise the card company will flag that purchase, and you will have to speak to someone from the card company on the phone and verify it really IS you making a $1000 jewelry purchase. The card companies actually encourage this anytime you take a trip, call ahead, and they add a note to your file so it won't be flagged as a possible stolen card charge.

  3. i would bring enough to cover what you think you will spend and have a little cash or a credit card on hand for emergencies. such as if you have an unforseen medical problem, need a taxi , or have a delay in your flight home, need a hotel, etc.  there will not be much to buy on the cruise most all is free expect for cocktails, photos you might buy and shore excursions. most shore excursions are over priced and you can get off the ship and arrange your own. you can also find other passengers to share cabs with / good to be with a group for safety also.  just be sure to get back to the ship well before the sailing time.  in case of traffic or car problems etc.  you do not want the ship to leave without you.  have a great time.

  4. When you arrive at the port to check in you (each passenger) will receive a key card which will serve as your room key, and charge card for anything you buy on ship (i.e.,drinks, souvenir) and its also your pass to get on and off ship in each port.

    When your cruise is over the ship will allow you to add your gratuities to your on-board tab also. So the only cash you will need ON the ship is for the casino, or if you order the free room service a couple buck each time to tip the waiter who brings the food. In addition, if you book any tours while on ship the cost of them is added to your room tab.

    When you get off at ports there will be the usual tourist fare such as cap, "T" shirts, mugs, etc. If you do the typical souvenir buying you will probably spend less than $50. each. if you find something big to purchase, like jewelry you can use your credit card, and should. So figure taking $300 or less will be plenty. If you run low there are ATM's on ship. But a better way to get cash if you run low is just go to the casino (its only open while not in port) and give them your cruise card and request some cash. They will have you sign for it and add it to your tab, but there are no ATM fees.

  5. All shopping on board is connected to a credit card, cash is not accepted, so the amount of cash you will need depends on how much you plan on spending in mexio. However remember the straw markets arent as inexpensive as they sound b/c people are trying to get as much money as they can.

  6. I just came off a cruise about a month ago, and from what I'd read before the trip, the rule of thumb is $50 per day.  Of course, it all depends on how much shopping you plan to do.  I wanted to be sure I had plenty of money, so I planned for $100 per day and came back with money left over -- always a good thing!

  7. Whatever you decide your budget will be, make sure that you take your US dollars in $1, 5 and 10s for shopping in the straw market.

    Be sure to barter, it is a part of the experience of shopping in the straw markets in Mexico.

    Take a backpack or canvas bag with you to carry home all of your goodies.

    There are basic trinkets for sale in Mexico...t-shirts, hats, Mexican vanilla, wallets, belts that is low cost.  And there is always a ton of jewerly...silver and other items.  That is what I look forward to on my cruises...if you are a jewelry shopper, you should plan to take several hundred dollars for jewelry.

    If not, then $50-100 bucks should cover your market shopping just fine.

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