
How much should I ask the parents for Babysitting a 6yr old boy??

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I have been working at a daycare for about 3 years. I quit a couple months ago because of school. Just started to babysit a 6yr old boy next door. I watch him from 7:30am-5:30pm. Not sure how much to ask?! I tell them to make the offer first. Just wondering what everyone usually gets paid or ask for!




  1. You are entitled to minimum wage and if the parents can afford it,you may want to request it , but they may see that as too much.  the child is getting one on one attention, where as in a in home daycare where there are 7 kids, they pay around 125 a week for 6 yr olds (but there are 6 other people paying the sitter so she makes a fair amount so in reality the sitter makes $175 a day, not $25).  For all day/everyday care, I would suggest going a little below min wage per hour, and make it out to be a flat rate for the day.  Going with the average daycare center/in home center rate per day would give you only 2.50 per hour, where as you could work half the time at a min wage job and make more.  So 25 a day is way too low.  If they want to pay less than you want/see fair, see if they have a friend who would like to send their kid over and they can "share" you and each pay like 3.50 per hour or something.

  2. From what I understand, the adverage amount is five dollars an hour.

    Ask them how much they can afford, at a reasonable amount.

    Also, throw in some chores like laundry, and cleaning up the house before they arrive home, and they may give you some extra.

  3. I watch a 7 year old boy and 3 year old boy for 6 hours a day and get $15 a day. I work for low income family.

    The parents supply snacks and a gallon of milk a week for kids.

    I feed dinner.

    You have to remember that most people dont make $10 an hour when you ask for money to watch the kids.

  4. I babysit three girls one day a week and do laundry, dishes, driving and cooking at $10/hour. During the summer, it's usually 8-10 hours.

    For on kid, not in diapers, all day and all week...I guess you should first see what their offer is. If it's 10 hours each day, 5 days a week, I would hope they're able to pay at least $250 ($5/hour).

    That's just my two cents...

    Have fun!

  5. You need to ask around from other's who babysit what they charge.  Every area the amount is different.  My nieces get $10-$15 an hour but they live in an upper class area.

  6. I charge $30 per day.  At 6 he is pretty independent so it should be an easy enough day for ya.

  7. I have three children - one of whom is six.  For me, it would depend on how old you are.  Are you oover 18?  If so, I would pay you $125-$150 per week, depending on how much you were doing with my child.  If you were doing a lot of activities, I'd pay more.  If you were doing you're own thing while he played - less.

  8. $100 week

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