
How much should I charge for Pet Deposit?

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I have a condo I am renting in California. I have advertised that small pets are ok with a $200 deposit. I have someone that's interested with a 40lb American Stafforshire. The dog is bigger than I would like but maybe it'll be ok. We just put wood flooring throughout and I'm a little worried about that getting destroyed. Does anyone know about these dogs? Should I ask for a larger deposit? Or do you think I should just nix this from the start? What would you do?




  1. I would "nix this from the start".   I do not rent to people with pit bulls.

    They are not worth the risk and expense you will bear with one on your property.   You will be held accountable for any harm it does to someone and your insurance will not help you.

    This is about the stupidest thing (sorry!) that a landlord would do to themselves.

    In addition to your insurance you will need to verify that the condo association will allow pit bulls, it is pretty much unheard of for them to.

  2. I have two Staffordshire Terriers, very tame, loveable creatures one weighs about 45lbs, the other no more than 55. That's pretty medium sized. I don't understand why people only look to small dogs thinking they'll will be easier to maintain. Sometimes smaller dogs shed more and since they are smaller, have smaller bladders which makes it easier to defecate all over your new floors,  and I've heard chuaha's are more viscious! don't discriminate over larger breeds, you'd be surprised, maybe they'll even protect your property!

  3. hmmm staffordshire terrier cousin to the pitbull ... i used to have one.  very tame and very clean.  um i think that 200.00 is ok maybe 250.00...if you are really worried ... then 300.00 but no more that that.    

  4. Nix it from the start.

    A 40 lb dog is not a small pet, therefore should not be considered.

    Does the potential applicant have a reading comprehension problem, since your policy is very clear per your ad? I don't consider applicants that cannot comprehend or respect a very clearly written policy.

    Usually applicants that attempt to get a landlord to change their policy regarding pets (dogs especially) are having a hard time finding a rental because of their dog to begin with. They are being denied by everyone else and are hoping to get by you.

    Not worth the potential problems, damages and liabilities.

    I would not even consider it.

    The American Staffordshire is related to the pit bull, there are insurance  & liability issues (many companies will not cover properties if a banned breed resides there) and condo rules, which may also ban certain sizes or breeds of dogs.

    You've got an investment worth tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars, you should do whatever you can within your power to protect that investment.  

  5. If I were you I'd ask for a $500 deposit for all dogs.  If a dog pees on the carpet, the smell does not go away and the carpets will need to be replaced which can cost a lot of money.

    I would not allow the person with the Staffordshire to rent the condo.  I realize that these dogs can be very nice and tame if they've been trained properly but you don't want to take the chance that the dog may not be tame.  You could get in trouble if you allow a dangerous dog in your condo and it hurts someone.

  6. You do realize they are talking about a pit bull?   "pit bull" is not an exact breed, but one of several dogs bred for killing dogs, which easily translates to people for them, even fellow pack members.

    You had better read your insurance policy, most in CA will not cover your property if you allow a pit bull there.

    I would not rent to them, other then the fact that I can't afford the insurance I would not risk the safety of the neighbors.   Or the law suit that would deprive me of my retirement and my children their college educations.

    I would be more worried about the dog killing someone then the floors.

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