
How much should I charge for private tutoring for math?

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I am in high school, only freshman, and I want to begin to offer tutoring service to 4th and 5th graders in elementary schools. I would like to know what would be a reasonable hourly charge to offer.




  1. There are a few steps to this.

    Like others have said, ask about the going rate in your area.  It does vary.  Remember what grade level you are tutoring.  Being that you plan to tutor 4th-5th graders I would probably suggest no more than $10-15/hour.  Since you are just starting out, parents may be reluctant to pay high costs to tutor their young kids.  

    Become a great tutor and in a couple of years you can start tutoring high school kids.  Here in NC people make between $16-25/hr tutoring high school math!  It's in high demand.  Good luck!

  2. a lot!!! idk, um like 8.00 and hour, or 20.00 a session

  3. usually about anywhere from $5 to $15 an hour is good.

  4. If you are a good student, I would charge at least $10 an hour. I have a teaching degree, and if I became a tutor, I would ask for $20 and hour. $10 is a great deal for you and the parents.

  5. Maybe get several kids from one class to meet in one house & charge a price that individually is low but since they have 3-5 students isn't so bad.

  6. I paid a college student $10 per hour to tutor my HS son in advanced math and chemistry. We did it by the hour but with the age group you are targeting I would recommend that you limit sessions to 1/2 hour at a time. If you have any travel costs (taking a bus to a location, driving to the site) I think you should be charging in the $8 per 1/2 hour range. If you meet the student after school or if they travel to you, you might charge less for the 1/2 hour. You will probably get less in a rural area than you will in a city.

  7. Ask around to see if you can find the "going rate" in your area.  Where I live tutors charge between $15 and $25 an hour, mostly for high school and college tutoring.

  8. $10 to $15 an hour and you better be worth it.  Mickey D's wont give you that much to ring up Whoppers!

  9. Between $10 and $15 per hour, depending on how good a tutor you are. A good tutor can get a lot done in an hour.

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