
How much should I charge for tutoring a grade 7 student?

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She is going into grade seven this september, and her mom tells me that she is quite behind in math and needs a bit more improvement on language and sentences... I currently am going to grade eight.. but i plan to do home schooling and online courses this year. Last year I had the highest average out of the grade seven and eight class, and I know all the stuff that she needs to. I plan to tutor her 3 days a week for at least 1 and a half hour. What would be a good fee to charge, and any other suggestions are welcome! =] thanks.




  1. I am a teacher and former tutor.  Your schedule of 3 days a week; 1 and 1/2 hours a day is ideal.    Break it up into small sessions like 10 minutes review, 20 minutes new lesson, 5 minute review, 10 minute break,  then switch subjects.

    If you find you need  to do 2 hours a day, then break it up to  50 minutes on each subject and two 10 minute breaks.  You only have a few weeks left to work with her, so you may need to add  some sessions.

    If this person was paying a professional tutor they would be paying a minimum of $30 an hour, probably higher.   Since you are young I think you should charge at least $10 a day, or $30 a week.  If you feel comfortable doing it, then charge $7 or $8 an hour, or charge a flat weekly fee of $40-$45.

    Don't sell yourself short.  You are putting your time into this and deserve to be paid for your work.

  2. well, i have a tutor who charges $50 an hour.

    i would charge, since you are young, $10-15 an hour.  

  3. Well, you said 3 days a week for 1 and a half hours.  Either that means 30 minutes a day, or 1 1/2 hours a day...But I would do 45 min to an hour and charge $3.50/hr...

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