
How much should I charge???

by Guest61401  |  earlier

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ok so me and my friend are in need of money... I'm 15 and she's 16 and we live in a town that isnt huge... but itsnt really small... but is too small for all of the people in it so there arent enough jobs for everyone.... espically for 16 year olds. Well we thought about babysitting with each other.... so there would be 2 of us who are real good with kids and responsible....... and I was just wondering how much do babysitters usually charge for the hour? and what if a emergancy happens like the power goes out or something..... should be charge more? and I'm asking this in this section because I thought a lot of you would have kids and you would give me your estimate on how much you would pay.




  1. that depends on the age and number of kids 5 for 2 & under 4 for 6 & under and 3 for 7 & up and charge per kid

  2. It would depend on how much the parents in your area are willing to pay.  Babysitters around here make a lot more then they do where I grew up.  Ask you first "job" how much they think is reasonable.  Ask your parents!!!  

    I would have to agree with other you really want to split $20 for one job?  You can handle up to 4 children at 16 years.  

    As for something happening...have parents phone numbers, where they will be, their doctor's phone number, emergency numbers, YOUR parents numbers!  

  3. OK for one. You never charge extra if something happens. Cause the, you will never be able to babysit again. Usually 5 dollars an hour or so would do.

  4. Generally, 5 - 10 dollars an hour. Basically you would have to go by what the parents are wiling to pay.  If an emergency happens, you can't charge more though, without risking losing future jobs.

  5. When I was younger, I did babysitting and I never charged a flat rate.  I always just accepted what they paid.  If they pay to poorly, I didn't have to go back.  But keep this in mind- say you are watching 2 kids for 3 hours.  You will make about $15-$20.  Do you really want to split that?  I personally wouldn't babysit with someone else unless it is a large number of kids.  As a parent, I don't want someone else there while you are watching kids.  I see it as having a friend there to distract you, not help you.  And if you are responsible enough to be babysitting, you shouldn't need help.

    If an emergency happens, you handle it.  What would you do if the power went out at home?  Find the flashlights and wait it out.  Chances are the neighbors are calling the power company.  But if the weather is that horrible, chances are the parents aren't going out anyway- so you should worry about it.  Just keep the phone nearby for an emergency.  Call 911 or the parents if something happens.  Ask them for their cell phone numbers, and the phone numbers of some trusted friends or neighbors if you can't reach them for whatever reason.  Showing you are proactive about what you will do if something happens shows responsibility.

    I also like when babysitters have a plan.  I don't want you sticking my kid in front of the TV all night while you talk on the phone or surf the internet.  Stay off their computer, stay off the phone until the kids go to bed and try to play with the kids.  That way you set yourself apart from the other babysitters and are more likely to be asked back.

  6. I usually get paid 6 to 10 dollars an hour. It really depends on the kid. I babysit for this family that has two handicap children, so they pay a lot more, because working with a 10 year old that acts like a two year old is quite difficult. It really depends on the family.  

  7. How much you charge depends on how many hours a day you are keeping them. If you are keeping them 8 hours a day I would charge between $12 and $15 a day. If it's just for a few hours $5-$10.

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