
How much should I charge to tutor 2 sn children and their mom?

by  |  earlier

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I have been asked to consider tutoring 2 special needs (dyslexia and possible mild retardation a factor) and their mother (same factors as the children approx. same learning level - K/1st grade).

How much should I charge?

It will be done in my home, but they will have to purchase all materials. I will scan and print the materials for each, so as not to pay for 3x of each item. I already homeschool my child, so most learning materials will be here already.




  1. I think that you should charge them about 10$ an hour. But you might want to ask the mom on which she will be willing to pay you. Hope this Helped. <3 Emma.

  2. What would daycare cost per hour in your area? I would start there and add $2 an hour. But also consider what they can afford to pay; you may have to go lower. You will most likely be getting cash payments so no taxes meaning your adjusted wage is much higher. Teachers who have multiple students do not get more than those with fewer students.

    People like you are a blessing.

  3. I used to tutor kids a few years ago... I was paid 17 an hour and I wasn't dealing with all that, just a normal 10 year old boy...

    For all three I would charge 150 $ a week, for two hours individually...  or 25 $ an hour... however you want to look at it...

  4. I think it would depend on your qualifications and education and experience.  Also, where you live. I live in Argentina and private tutoring (even for LD students) pays only about 30 pesos an hour ($10.00 US).  I'm sure it is much higher in the USA.

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