
How much should I fight this BS traffic ticket?

by  |  earlier

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I got a ticket for "impeding the flow of traffic". I had stopped in a "no stopping zone." I was picking my wife up at the train station in the city, and had intended to pull up to a legal place to stop (30 feet away), but the car in front of me (also picking someone up) stopped and I my wife ran out hopped in the car. For some reason, the cop decided to give me a ticket. What was I supposed to do, lock my wife out? Pull off with my wife hanging on the door handle?

Should I bother fighting it? I assume the cop'll say he doesn't remember any other car (I was too out of it/distracted to argue it at the time of the ticket.)

I have two options:

1) Go and fight it in court. That means I'll have to go stand in line with all of the other low-lifes and get a court date and go through that hastle.

2) Have a "trial by written declaration" where I just submit an explanation in writing. Does that actually work or is that just something they do to get us out of their hair?





  1. Considering that the govt has billions of dollars and the best lawyers your chances of winning are almost nonexistant. But-one should always fight the system.

    If you have no money for a lawyer try legal aid.

  2. For me it would depend on how much the ticket was..

  3. why fight it , just pay the fine, i don't believe that it will count against your license.

    I just got one for exhaust to loud. but it did not exceed decibel limit and has been on my car for eight years, the only thing that is different about my exhaust is it has a Corvette style exhaust tip on it. Which has nothing to do with the sound of the exhaust. and if you fight it in court will you lose more money by having to miss work than just paying the ticket?

  4. You have to decide. What is your dollar cost/hassle tolerance level, or if it's strictly on the basis of principle that you want to fight this ticket...

  5. Well, you have it down pretty well. You need to decide if you want to stand in court to plead not guilty, get a court date, then appear in court to fight the ticket. Or the declaration, is valid. It does not work as well as a personal appearance in court. Do you want to give up the time or just pay it and move on?

  6. how much was the ticket?

  7. What is there to fight, you just admitted that you stopped in a no stopping zone instead of driving 30 more feet to a legal area. Dont blame the car in front of you, it didnt make you pull in behind it.

    Try option 2, the judge may take into consideration that your wife was curbside trying to get into your car.

  8. Don't know what state you're in, but where I come from (NY suburb) there are municipalities where the cops write tickets to generate revenue on the assumption they won't be contested.  I once went to court in Yonkers with photos and traffic count data to fight a bogus ticket.  There were 21 people in court.  A cop showed up for 1 case.  20 were dismissed.  I can't imagine how many other suckers just gave in and paid up.

  9. Yes that's a shame you don't get paid to go to court for a tickets like the cops do. I guess that is why cops like giving tickets its overtime for them.

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