I got a ticket for "impeding the flow of traffic". I had stopped in a "no stopping zone." I was picking my wife up at the train station in the city, and had intended to pull up to a legal place to stop (30 feet away), but the car in front of me (also picking someone up) stopped and I my wife ran out hopped in the car. For some reason, the cop decided to give me a ticket. What was I supposed to do, lock my wife out? Pull off with my wife hanging on the door handle?
Should I bother fighting it? I assume the cop'll say he doesn't remember any other car (I was too out of it/distracted to argue it at the time of the ticket.)
I have two options:
1) Go and fight it in court. That means I'll have to go stand in line with all of the other low-lifes and get a court date and go through that hastle.
2) Have a "trial by written declaration" where I just submit an explanation in writing. Does that actually work or is that just something they do to get us out of their hair?