
How much should I get paid for these jobs?

by  |  earlier

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Since I'm only thirteen, I'm restricted from a lot of jobs. But, there's almost always a job for any age, and I chose two: Baby-sitting and a doggie camp. I am pretty creative, and I was just wondering how much should I get paid for these jobs?


I will bring a little 'fun bag' that consists of toys for the age group, movies, and if they are good they get a treat (I make sure it's fine with the parent before I buy the little gift for them) I bring board-games, unless they are young and may eat the pieces. If they have a fence and it's during the day, I'll take them outside and play a few games. I may do this with a few friends, so what's a reasonable price where we can make our profits and still can buy little trinkets for the kids?

Doggie Day Camp-

I can't do a doggie sitting jobs since my family doesn't have a fence, and my friend's mom won't let them stay overnight, so we decided just to keep the dogs in my friend's backyard which is pretty big and has a fence -c




  1. i wish more kids like you hun,you sound like a fine young hard to put a price on stuff but you seem very good....go by the hour....or a one off for the day....what do you think you are worth...if i was getting you do this for me and at 13 i would not expect full day just few hours....think $20 for 2hrs would be minimum payment....and a day with dogs well depends how big dogs are and well behaved....for full week $70....think going have negotate

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