
How much should I give as a gift at a backyard wedding?

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my best friend is getting married and i am one of her bridesmaids. I don't know how much money to give as a gift, please help. We are very close friends and i don't want to seem cheap. How much would you expect to receive from a good friend or how much would you give to a good friend? Please help me!




  1. Can you and other bridesmaids share the cost of a gift -- something on her registry?

    I think spending one day's pay is a generous gift.  For example, if you earn $500 per week, paying $75 for a wedding gift is appropriate especially as you have been her bridesmaid

  2. Doesn't matter where the wedding reception is!! All that matters is how much can you afford on top of your expenses (dress,shoes,etc.) This is your best friend so, if you HAVE to give cash instead of a nice gift from her registry, I would give $50.00. If you're in a high-paying job and over 25, then go for $100. But, really, even if a couple has been living together, they could always use new luxurious bath sheets/towels. $50 at Bed,Bath and Beyond on sale would get you some nice quality ones and a prettily-wrapped gift looks more like you took the time to select something special. Cash looks more like a last-ditch effort.

  3. a $75 gift from her regiestry

  4. I don't so much think it's the location of the wedding that sets the tone for your gift.  Don't give more than you can afford.  You've given a lot of time, effort and I"m sure money on the wedding.  Your budget should be your consideration.  If you can afford it, $50 is a generous gift.  $25 is a safe amount, too.

  5. The same amount you would give at any other wedding - what you can afford.

  6. well it all depends on what you can afford and what you have spent.  Id say from $50-200

  7. $50-100 check is ample (or whatever you can afford!).  The reason I give checks over cash is to prevent theft; I have heard stories of missing envelopes at a few weddings (either by guests, vendors or outside passersby).  If you notice your check hasn't been cashed after two months & you haven't received a thank you card, you can ask the couple & reissue a new check.

    Or you can always go with a gift from her registry.

  8. I would give $50, but that's what works for me and my budget.

  9. It depends on how much you have!  Since you're a bridesmaid, you've already given a lot of time and money to her wedding.... if you don't have lots of money, you could get somthing meaningful yet inexpensive (frame, photo album, etc).  You could do $50 -- but I don't think there should ever be an expectation of money/gifts from friends.  A wedding should be about the celebration of marriage, not just an occasion to get gifts.

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